Who we are....

CitiZen Zen is a community of people sharing their skills, wisdom, and ideas in order to build a more diverse and caring culture.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

CitiZen Zen looking to make some changes to the way we donate stuff...

Hello all,
I hope most of you have fully recovered from your New Years Eve and are enjoying some time with your families. I am getting ready to do some more moving today and thought I would get this out and possibly get some great minds rolling this around in their head.

I have stuff. I have kids that have stuff. I want to give our stuff to others that need it but I often feel comfortable taking it to a local thrift store that looks like it was left alone for ten years, and unfortunately most of them around here look that way. Now before you say it, I understand most of those places run on little if no income and just don't have the necessities or attention to cleanliness as some snooty South Ridian like me would expect.

I have been donating to those places for years and honestly feel it does serve a purpose, but CitiZen Zen is focused on local community and honestly I know there are a lot of people out there that may have to much pride, or are even fearful or ashamed of going to the local Goodwill or Salvation Army to pick up a Pack and Play. This does not make them bad people, nor should it result in them going without something, or digging themselves deeper in debt to get what they need.

I also don't quite understand the process of me taking a bunch of stuff up to a local drop of point and seeing it sit in the same spot for days, almost weeks, getting dirty and banged up.

So what I am posing to you is this: How can we use CitiZen Zen as a way to cut out the middle man? Can we possibly add a "Freecycle type addition to our site and get the word out? I would love some insight on this and until then I will post some things I have and on our home site...www.citizenzen.ning.com I am not looking to start a Zen's list or anything of that matter, i'm just trying to get stuff to locals that could really use it today. This would also make our siter a little more useful to all that come on and could really help us with some other causes also. So let's get thinking and start something new.

Thanks everyone...

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